Our Project Needs You!
Audition Recording Deadline - 27th January 2020
We are looking for volunteer voice actors to help us bring the viaduct exhibition characters to life.
Each recording will last up to 2 minutes and be used in either the Engine House or on 2886 (Stove R) exhibits.
If your voice is chosen, we will need you to come to Kidderminster in mid-February and spend a day in a recording studio (refreshments provided).
To request full details, including a test script, please contact Laura Hines, Activity and Interpretation Manager via email: Laura.Hines@svrtrust.org.uk You can then record your audition (using a smart phone recorder is fine).
All audition recordings will need to be back to Laura by 27th January 2020, so if you are interested, please get in touch asap!
We are looking for volunteers to be the voices of the following people:
Man – Soft Edinburgh accent - aged mid-40s (Edward Wilson)
Man - Shropshire accent, aged around 30 – 40 (Navvy)
Boy - Shropshire accent – teenager 13-16 (Navvy)
Woman – Soft Yorkshire accent – aged mid – 40s (Sarah Elizabeth Woodward)
Girl – Black Country – aged 8-11 (Joan - Evacuee)
Woman – Birmingham or Black Country – aged mid-30s (Hop picker)
Girl – Birmingham or Black Country – aged 8-10 (Hop picker)
Girl – Kidderminster accent - aged 8-12 (Guard’s granddaughter)
Man – Kidderminster accent aged 60s/early 70s (Guard)