Falling Sands Viaduct Exhibition now OPEN
After the successful completion of the Falling Sands Viaduct restoration, two new exhibitions have now been officially opened at The...
Falling Sands Viaduct Exhibition now OPEN
Falling Sands Viaduct Lights Up the Night
Journey to the finish line – a look back at Phase 2 by Nick Yarwood.
A viaduct repaired!
On Site at Falling Sands Viaduct - by Nick Yarwood
Falling Sands Viaduct Project - January Update
The Capital Works Have Started!
#Fallingsandsfacts for the run up to Christmas!
We have a winner!
Drawing, Building and Dancing in the Rain - Kidderminster Arts Festival - Brinton Park
Railway Children at the Rose!
Our First School Visit
The Donation Wall
We've Started!